Hyacinth Macaw parrots for sale

 Things to know about Hyacinth Macaws parrots for sale

The hyacinth macaw is the macaw family's largest and most gorgeous member. Anyone with the time, patience, and financial resources to properly care for a blue macaw will find it to be a great companion bird.Despite its size, destructive proclivity, loudness, and hefty price. 

Our Hyacinth macaw parrots have completed their weaning and are looking for their everlasting homes. Hyacinth Macaws make fantastic companions. For sale are Hyacinth Macaw Parrots. Friendly and well-socialized. They'd make wonderful pets. Checked by a veterinarian and microchipped.Looking for a Hyacinth macaw parrot?

Origin of Hyacinth macaws for sale 

Hyacinth macaws have a long and famous history of being sold. Hyacinth macaws tend to live in palm swamps, woodlands, and semi-open environments, avoiding deep and damp forests. The hyacinth macaws prefers scrubby habitats on the outside of the rainforest, but it also lives in meadows and poorly forested places. The demand for hyacinth macaws has risen in Australia in recent years, particularly in the following locations. Melbourne's hyacinth macaws has been trained. Hyacinth Macaws Adelaide Metro Adelaide Metro, as well as the rest of Australia.

Another reason they are rare in the wild and in the pet trade is because they mature at a considerably slower rate than other birds. The baby hyacinth macaws leave the nest at roughly 13 weeks of age, but it takes them another six months to mature into fully grown adults. Around the age of seven, nesting begins. If properly cared for, these birds can live to be more than 60 years old.

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Hyacinth Macaw

Hyacinth macaw for sale care and housing 

Aside from that, macaws are not commonly sold in pet stores, so look for a breeder who specializes in this species. Because hyacinth macaws are difficult to care for, before looking for a breeder, contact animal rescue organizations and adoption agencies.

They can be quite enticing due to their size, beauty, and intelligence. But resist the urge to bring one home without first thinking twice. Caring for this bird is a massive task that will take a long time. A large living space is required for a hyacinth macaw, as one would expect from such a large bird.

The hyacinth macaw can easily escape from most commercial cages because they are too small. You must be willing to devote a substantial amount of time and space to this bird. This large hyacinth macaw for sale requires a lot of living space. In this case, an ordinary cage is insufficient.Australia,macaws for sale south australia blue and gold macaw for sale, Hahns macaw for sale Sydney,Hyacinth macaw parrots For sale Buy now,parrots for sale in Kihikihi New Zealand,hyacinth macaw for sale qld,hyacinth macaw for sale melbourne,  

Hyacinth Macaws for sale Personality and Behavior

Hyacinth macaws cost a lot of money in Australia. Also known as the "gentle lover".  Hyacinth macaws are very easy to tame, but they like to get rowdy with other hyacinth macaws and with "humans". Their beak is capable of exerting over 190 pounds of pressure per square inch.which means it could break a broomstick in half with a single crack. Even a very tame Hyacinth Macaw can be cheeky

Feeding habits of hyacinth macaws for sale

In the wild Hyacinth macaws feed primarily on fruit, green vegetation, and nuts-especially those from the acuri and bocaiuva palms. Its beak is strong enough to crack coconuts. They thrive in captivity on a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, leafy greens, and nuts. Particularly the macadamia nut, because they require more carbohydrates than other parrot species.

Hyacinth Macaws for sale Exercise

These birds also need to nibble to keep their mouths and jaws strong, so plenty of chew toys are essential for these large, colossal birds. Toys large enough to withstand the strokes of a powerful beak, as well as toys that have strips or pieces of cowhide incorporated into them. Since their wingspan can be up to 5 feet, they need plenty of movement and room to spread out.

General health problems Hyacinth Macaws

Hyacinths can be prone to oversized beaks if they do not have a steady supply of toys and branches to destroy. Like other macaw species, hyacinth can be susceptible to the following:
Proventricular dilation syndrome (macaw wasting disease)
The key to keeping a Hyacinthine Macaw healthy is to provide it with a diet tailored to its specific needs and to have it examined regularly by a veterinarian. They are suppose to visit the  veterinarian  at least twice a year.

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Toco Toucans For Sale in australia

Size: They can grow up to 55–65 cm (22–26 inches) in length.

Weight: Males are somewhat heavier than females, indicating that they are sexually dimorphic. Males weigh on average 723 g (1.594 lb), while females weigh on average 576 g. (1.270 lb).
Almost the entire body is coated in black to dark bluish feathers, with the exception of the throat, which is white.
Wings: Not designed for long-distance flight. The tail chord is 22–26 cm (8.7–10.2 inches) in length.
Eyes: Each round eye has a ring of blue skin around it, which is surrounded by an orange skin ring.

Tail: Tail is long and thick, measuring between 14.1 and 17.9 cm in length (5.6 to 7.0 inches). The undertail-covert is a bright crimson color.red billed toucans for sale,Toucans For Sale Australia

Description of a toco toucans for sale

toco toucans for sale near me. A South American bird notable for its massive beak and flaunts the biggest bill in body size of all the birds, the toko Tucan (pronunciation: toko-toukun or, toko-too, kan). This species is the most important in the toucan family, spread practically throughout the continent’s rainforest area and is an attraction in numerous zoos throughout the world. When rain forests are destroyed, they can adapt to man-made habitats. This is probably a characteristic that has protected them away from being put at risk.toucan pet australia.


toco toucans for sale in sydney .They are not very skilled at flying, despite spending a lot of time in the forests. Toucans mostly move by jumping from tree to tree. When they climb into the air, they flap their wings quickly and fly over short distances. Toucans build their nests in tree hollows. They frequently take up residence in abandoned woodpecker cavities.

In a single hollow, several toucans reside together. They lay their eggs in these holes two to four times a year. Both parents take 16-20 days to incubate their eggs. Both parents continue to look after the children once they have hatched. Toucans have a little beak when they are born, but as they grow older, their beaks become larger.toucan beak for sale, toucan eggs for sale, toucan for sale in victoria australia

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toco toucan parrot

Conservation Status

Toco toucans for sale Because they can survive in a range of settings, toco toucans are less vulnerable to rainforest deterioration than other species. Their number has not been established, although it is assumed to be large based on the frequency of sightings in their area. As a result, the IUCN considers the toco toucan to be a species of least concern, and no specific conservation measures have been implemented.

The Toco Toucan bill

Toco toucans for sale have colorful bills that help them blend in with the dense jungle. The beak is vivid orange in color and measures around 8 inches long. This is over a third of the bird’s total length. The beak, which is formed of the protein keratin, appears to be somewhat substantial, although it is actually quite light. Furthermore, the structure of the beak allows for the incorporation of many air pockets, resulting in a very low mass. Tail: Tail is long and thick, measuring between 14.1 and 17.9 cm in length (5.6 to 7.0 inches). The undertail-covert is a bright crimson color.toucan pet australia


Toco toucans for sale are extremely social and gregarious and mostly spend in couples or flocks of approximately six members. You turn to clean your physique by means of your bills. Due to the constant changing of available fruit in the geographical area, toucans are highly nomadic.

The birds express their depth and roughness, but are consistent, through diverse techniques of recurrent sound creation. They would also talk to each other using rattling sounds, a habit that is also fairly prevalent. As an audible communication with each other, the birds would clap their bills. You can also perceive your environment with chemical.

Life cycle and reproduction

Toco toucans for sale are single-minded and only breed once a year and in the spring the breeding season takes place. While paired, either male or female use their account to acquire fruit to start a fruit toss with their possible partner. The male bird engages in sexual relations with the female after a successful courtesy rite.


toco toucans for sale live for an average of 20 years in the wild, but they can live for up to 26 years. In captivity, however, their longevity is reduced to around 18 years. Parrots for sale in melbourne

Calls and Sounds

toco toucans for sale converse vocally and have a strong, husky call. Their chatter and frog-like croaking cries are so loud that they may be heard from nearly half a mile away. Their raucous vocalizations appear to defeat the goal of camouflage.toucan For Sale victoria

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Red-Tailed Black Cockatoo For Sale

 Red-Tailed Black Cockatoo For Sale 

Size: 24 inches  
Lifespan: 50-100 years  
Bird Species: Cockatoo  
Colors: Black 
Sounds: Quiet, Natural Calls, Mimics Interaction, Fun DNA 
Sex: Males/Females 
Talking ABility: Yes

Red-Tailed Black Cockatoo for sale General Description

Although they are members of the cockatoo family, the similarities are only superficial, and these parrots exhibit a wide range of distinctive characteristics. These features, combined with their eye-catching color, will make them easy to spot and identify.

Adults grow to a length of 24 inches (60 centimeters) and weigh up to 2.20 pounds (a kilogram). Because of their imposing size, these cockatoos are strong and will require a lot of free space. Before you become a proud owner, make sure you have a large enough home and enough space for a bird of this size.

The zygodactyl feet of these parrots are another distinguishing feature. This means they have two toes in front and two in back, which allows them to grab objects with astonishing ease and skill.

Their beak, however, is the most noticeable and remarkable feature. It’s big, stubby, and tough, and it can crack open even the toughest nuts. The Red-tailed Black Cockatoo uses its beak where humans would use a hammer. red tailed black cockatoo for sale south australia

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                 Red-Tailed Black Cockatoo 

Red-Tailed Black Cockatoo for sale Natural Habitat

The Red-Tailed Black Cockatoo for sale is one of Australia’s most well-known parrots. They leave a lasting impression and have long been regarded as a significant emblem.

The appeal of these parrots is broad, from sports mascots to postage stamps to key native mythology. They can be found throughout Australia, including the dry and desert regions, as well as beside rivers and in Eucalyptus groves. They adapt well to severe environments and are one of the few parrots that are nomadic, traveling from one location to another as the seasons change.

Red tailed black cockatoo for sale south australia

Parrot of Australia: Red-tailed Black Cockatoo is one of the most important birds of Australia. They are found in most parts of Australia, including the dry and arid regions, but also along rivers and in Eucalyptus growths. The popularity of these parrots is widespread and they are an important symbol for many Australians.

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Blue and gold macaws for sale

The blue and gold macaw is also known as the blue and gold macaw. This is one of the most common macaws in other species. People have always been drawn to their size and plumage. Nature's beautiful combination of gold, green, and blue is a wonderful gift to you. These birds are extremely social, intelligent, and welcoming. They necessitate more attention and care than other parrot breeds. These affectionate parrots make excellent companions. These parrots make excellent pets, but they necessitate a lot more knowledge and effort from their owners than other traditional pets like cats or dogs.blue and gold macaw for sale,blue and gold macaw for sale brisbane,macaw for sale australia

Blue and Gold Macaw Parrot Characteristics

9 to 39.5 inches (86 cm) in length
Weight ranges from 5 oz to 3.75 lb.
4ft wing span
Life expectancy: 80 years
Strong and stout physique
Not ideal for flats; nonetheless, it is suitable for families and may be kept with children and other birds.
Playful, affectionate, loud, noisy, clever, active, and easy to train temperament
Breeds that are similar: large size Blue-throated Macaws, Parakeets.breeding macaws in australia,blue and yellow macaw australia

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Blue and gold macaws parrots

Blue and Gold Macaw Parrots' Appearance

These are known as giant parrots, and their length from head to tail is roughly 33 inches. They are distinguished by the blue green color of their wings, back, and head, as well as the yellow hue of the rest of their body plumage. They have a yellowish mask over their skin. These are the largest parrots on the planet. These are lovely in the wild, with a green forehead, golden underparts, dark blue chin, blue tail, and blue wings. They have a powerful black beak, which is ideal for cracking nuts. In excitement, their white naked face turns pink. On the face, they have black tiny feathers in the shape of a line.blue-and-yellow macaw lifespan,blue and gold macaw for sale in australia

Life Span of Blue and Gold Macaw Parrots

 These are monogamous parrots. It makes them lifelong friends. An adult blue and yellow macaw typically lives for thirty to thirty-five years in the wild. They can live for more than 40 to 80 years if kept as a pet or found in a zoo. Their life expectancy is 80 years. If they live in the wild, they may become prey to wild animals. They live longer and survive longer in captivity.blue and gold macaws in brisbane,parrots for sale in Queensland

How gifted are Blue and Gold Macaws

These birds are thought to be extremely talented and affectionate. Because of their nature, they are very easy to tame. They learn to talk and speak. They enjoy interaction because it makes them feel more energized. They enjoy learning tricks and human lingo. If they require your attention, they will make a loud call.

The babies are just learning to step up their feathers and are in excellent condition. They have been weaned on a pelleted diet, have a closed id ring on their leg, and come with a hatch certificate. They have been DNA sexed and PBFD TESTED, and they have a certificate to prove it.

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Pair Baby Very Tame African Grey Parrot

 African Grey Parrot Characteristics

13-inch diameter
Weight ranges from 300 to 375 grams.
Span of wings: unknown
Life expectancy: 30 to 50 years
Physique: Long body with a tail and a powerful downward pointed beak
Best Suitable for: Indoors and warm climates
Warm, kind, clever, quick learners, peacemakers, polite, and submissive temperament

African Grey Parrots' History

 African grey parrots, as their name implies, are African birds. These birds have an intriguing personality because they can live happily in big groups as well as on their own. Because of their high intelligence, these birds are referred to be the "Einstein" of birds. African grey parrots can be divided into two subcategories. Congo African birds and Timneh African grey parrots are two examples of them.african grey parrots for sale in australia,where can i buy african grey parrots in australia

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African Grey parrot

Baby African Grey Parrots

African Grey Parrots' History: African grey parrots, as their name implies, are African birds. These birds have an intriguing personality because they can live happily in big groups as well as on their own. Because of their high intelligence, these birds are referred to be the "Einstein" of birds. African grey parrots can be divided into two subcategories. Congo African birds and Timneh African grey parrots are two examples of them.

Feeding African Grey Parrots

It is critical to feed African Grey Parrots the proper food. This is because the type of dietary nutrition your birds receive has a significant impact on their lifespan and overall health. A high-protein diet is ideal for these birds. These parrots can be fed a variety of foods. Of course, seeds are among them. In addition to seeds, parrots can be fed peppers, kale, broccoli, peas, cucumber, and berries. These birds also enjoy citrus fruits such as oranges and kiwis.

Here I have two very tame Baby African Grey's, which are all Hand Reared from chicks. All babies are fully tame and ready for new homes. All babies are very cuddly, friendly and tame. All our birds have been use to, dogs and have been brought up with young children. All birds are well fed and are very healthy, all birds are close rung and come with the A10 Cites papers.

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 Now Secure Immediately. Delivery is 100% Guarantee !

​We pride ourselves in:
Striving to arrange fair deals between buyers and sellers;
Arranging for DNA tests;
Arranging wildlife transport and documentation for relocation of
Giving sound advice to upcoming New breeders with management
and breeding projects. 

We do supply all over the countries .
We will provide you with the necessary information once we are done to keep you update,
Delivery will be carry out without any complication.
Delivery is schedule for 2 days (depending on your location) after all the necessary documents are made.
We confirm that price includes travelling crate to your destination,
We will deliver the birds as requested with immediately effect. 

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Last updated: December 27, 2021

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parrotsandexoticbirdsaustralia does not knowingly collect any Personal Identifiable Information from children under the age of 13. If you think that your child provided this kind of information on our website, we strongly encourage you to contact us immediately and we will do our best efforts to promptly remove such information from our records.

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About Us

Thanks for visiting our site. As a family, we have loved, cared, bred, and lived with different kinds of pets for over 35 years, quite an experience. Ranging from dogs to cats to different bird species, we have accumulated enormous skills to cater and distribute these animals. 

Our beautiful handfed babies are incubator hatched and lovingly cared for under the strictest of avian breeding and care standards, of which we adhere to strictly in our hatchery. All pets are bred in a disease free Bio secure breeding sanctuary. They are well socialized, having been raised in our home as members of our own family in order for them to become ready to be a member of yours. They are quite comfortable around all ages, including the elderly and young children (however supervision is always strongly advised).

We do not consider ourselves commercial or profit focused breeders because our pets are raised with a passion and unique kind of human to animal bond. We specialize in happy, healthy, stress free pets that make perfect companions to both old and new homes. We hand rare all of our birds. All babies are raised at home in a family/friendly environment making our pets completely at ease with other pets. They are harness trained which allows them to be taken for a walk in the garden. Each pet has a health certificate and a training and care booklet containing all the information needed to ensure a proper transition and enjoyable, healthy and stress free stay in their new homes. Our baby parrots make the ultimate companion birds and perfect pet. Our fishes throw in a decorative glance at first site.

Our beautiful handfed babies are incubator hatched and lovingly cared for under the strictest of avian breeding and care standards, of which we adhere to strictly in our hatchery. All pets are bred in a disease free Bio secure breeding sanctuary. They are well socialized, having been raised in our home as members of our own family in order for them to become ready to be a member of yours. They are quite comfortable around all ages, including the elderly and young children (however supervision is always strongly advised).

Even though we let all of our pets spend more time with their parents, all of our birds are weaned. All pets have a 3 Day (72 Hour) Full Health Guarantee. If anything away from what is described, we will fully refund you and any expenses incurred in getting your pet to you. We guarantee that you are getting a healthy pet, and with our help and support, we assure that you will keep it safe, healthy and happy with minimal efforts after purchase. We also offer additional after sales services for a fee such as Additional Behavioral training, Emergency Vet Care and Baby Sitting in case of long vacations. All pets come with a training CD, Feedin Guide and additional resources.

Sure, we "sell" birds. But we like to think of it as "placing" birds in good homes. Our goal is to help you raise a happy, healthy, and well-mannered baby. We turn away many people who love the beauty of exotic birds and/or want a parrot that talks, but do not understand the intelligence and corresponding interaction required on a daily basis to keep these incredible creatures happy. The truth has built our business.

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Blue and Gold Macaws for sale

 Blue and Gold Macaws are the most popular pet parrots in Australia, but they are also among the most expensive. If you can afford a Blue an...